Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Five Weeks Old

Today the puppies turned five weeks old. They have changed so much in the past few weeks. All the puppies continue to eat and grow well, in the past week they have all gained between two and three pounds. They still enjoy warm milk in the morning however we have taken away their afternoon milk but they all eat the dry food really well. I have noticed that most of them will now walk away from the carpets or away from the group when they need to relieve themselves. The puppies are also becoming more playful each day. 
Miley was only puppy I could get to stay in the wheel barrow
but she couldn't take her eyes off the little puppies.
I tried to take their five week pictures in the wheel barrow today, but I didn't have enough hands. I could get three puppies in the wheel barrow bit as soon as I would turn around to get three more the first three would jump down and run off to play.
Two of the eight puppies
I tried putting both sides on the wheel barrow but it not only didn't keep the puppies in but it provided a much more dangerous escape route.
The three boys
After this picture I decided that a photo wasn't worth risking having the puppies jumping down and getting hurt so instead I shoot some video. The puppies just love running around the yard and playing with each other and their sisters.


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