Saturday, February 2, 2013

Miley LOVES peanut butter!

Miley is now 10 months old!
Miley has always loved peanut butter. I usually give it to her in a Kong. However, today when I returned from the grocery store with a new jar I couldn't find her Kong, which I imagine has been hidden behind the couch or under her bed or somewhere in the basement. Anyway she is just too cute when she begs so I decided that she could eat the peanut butter off a spoon just this one time.

Luckily, for me, my camera was sitting on the coffee table as Miley attempted to get the peanut butter off her nose and tongue. It almost seemed cruel to sit and laugh at her while she struggled to get the last of it off her face but she seemed to love every second it lasted.

the last of the peanut butter on her nose