Thursday, December 5, 2013

We love our Chuck-It!!

The girls are not willing to take their eyes off the balls
as they wait for them to be thrown
We LOVE our chuck-it. The girls even know the word and get super excited when asked it they want to play chuck-it. While playing with the girls this evening we decided to take a few pictures.
Bringing their balls back so they can play again.
If you have never used a chuck-it, it is a long handle that a tennis-sized ball fits in that allows the ball to throw farther, but the best part is that it allows the thrower to not need to touch a wet ball! We are blessed to live next to large fields and have lots of space for the dogs to run and play freely.
It sometimes takes a while but they usually stop bringing to balls back.
I usually need to throw two or three balls because the girls don't like to share when we play fetch. I actually have two chuck-its and can throw two balls at a time and I'm not sure how they do it but they usually bring back the same ball each time.

Maddie protectively watches over her ball.

Maurie with her ball.

Miley doesn't even like to put her ball down, either because
she really likes it or she is afraid someone will steal it, I'm not sure.
 I also really love the chuck-it balls. Our girls quickly chew through regular tennis balls but the rubber of the chuck-it is durable enough that the balls usually last four or five months before they need to be replaced. I'm not sure what it is about them but the girls just love to chew on them even if they are not being thrown.

After we played  they sat and intently watched us hang Christmas lights.

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